Message Tags

Revision 0.10

Red denotes a conflicting tag definition, gray for deprecated (however quite possibly still in use), yellow for proposed, blue for OK, and brown for vendor-specific tags that are not properly vendor prefixed.

Name Format Comments
account account=<name>


  • account=rabbit
  • account=george

The account tag contains the account name of the user that sent the attached message to the client. For instance, on a PRIVMSG, the account tag would contain the account name of the user that sent the PRIVMSG. Enabled by the IRCv3 account-tag capability.

batch batch=<id>


  • batch=1
  • batch=outer
  • batch=yXNAbvnRHTRBv

The batch tag contains the ID of the batch the attached message is a part of. Messages that are a part of the same batch are related and are processed according to the IRCv3 batch specifications. Enabled by the IRCv3 batch capability.

broadcaster-lang broadcaster-lang=<language>

Used by to represent the language of the current room when ‘broadcaster language mode’ is enabled.

color color=<#RRGGBB>

Used by to represent the color of a user’s name.

display-name display-name=<name>

Used by to represent the ‘display name’ of the user sending the given message.

emote-sets emote-sets=<emotelist>

Used by to list the set of ‘emotes’ that the sending user has access to.

emotes emotes=<emotelist>

Used by to tell clients where given emote images should be inserted into the text of the given message.

mod mod=<0/1>

Used by to represent whether the user is a moderator in the current Twitch stream.

msg-id msg-id=<value>

Used by to provide event names on NOTICEs sent by the server describing their specific events.

r9k r9k=<0/1>

Used by to represent whether R9K mode is enabled in the current channel. When enabled, messages with more than 9 characters must be unique.

slow slow=<seconds>

Used by to represent how many seconds chatters without Twitch moderator privileges must wait between sending messages to the current channel.

subs-only subs-only=<0/1>

Used by to represent whether the channel is in ‘subscribers-only’ mode. When enabled, only subscribers or Twitch moderators can speak.

subscriber subscriber=<0/1>

Used by to represent whether the user is a subscriber to the current Twitch stream.

turbo turbo=<0/1>

Used by to represent whether the user has the ‘turbo badge’.

user-id user-id=<id>

Used by to convey the Twitch ID of the user sending this message.

user-type user-type=[<level>]

Used by to convey the type of user that is sending this message.

time time=<value>


  • time=2011-10-19T16:40:51.620Z
  • time=2012-06-30T23:59:60.419Z

The time tag contains the time that the given message should be treated as happening at. This is useful for things such as chat history replay. The value format is defined in the server-time specification. Enabled by the IRCv3 server-time capability.